Stabile For President



If you wish to support the 06/07 Will Stabile for 09 President Campaign, check out:


Election Celebration

The vote breakdowns were revealed today in the gym at 3:30.
52 votes needed to win. 52 votes.
I got 53.
Had two people voted differently, it would have gone into runoffs, and winning would have been a lot more difficult. So this post has been written to directly thank those two people. Without you, this election would be nowhere near won. And, for those of you out there who don't always believe in the process of voting, this proves the old saying that "Every Vote Counts". Really. Every single vote.

The Accu-Will Election Predictor, which was taken down after objections from other campaigns, turns out to have been 100% accurate.
It was myself by a slim margin for President, Whitney Kuo by a wide margin (around 80%) for Vice President, Mary Han by about 55% - 60% for Secretary, and Cindy Lu by ... I can't remember the percentage, for Treasurer.

This space is also to congratulate the other candidates for campaigns well done. To Rebecca Wang and Ariel Improta, you were both worthy opponents and good people. And, for those of you reading this, please feel free to leave your thoughts about the results of this election, positive or negative.

Finally, this is more than likely the end of this blog, so I'd like to thank everyone who helped to contribute to this website. Thank you.

The Final Helpful Hint from Will: Live well.


Post-Campaign - The Fallout

I felt obligated to post something today, but I'm not sure just what, seeing as how the campaign is over and we don't know the results until Tuesday.
That's right, tomorrow. After school. In the gym. Please, please stop asking me if I won. I do not know. I would, however, suspect something was up if I did not at least garner a majority. I would suspect something very up, for all you future sleuths out there.

Today's Helpful Hint from Will: Trust no one. The truth is out there. The game is afoot. Um... I ran out of catchphrases. But remember, always suspect.


The Campaign - Voting Day

It's all over now, ladies and gentlemen. It's Friday, class is over, and voting time is up. Though we won't know the results officially until Tuesday, it seems that, through exit polls, yours truly has eked out a narrow lead over Ariel and Rebecca. This is in no way a victory speech, and, if either Ariel or Rebecca is reading this, I am in no way claiming superiority.
In any case, I thank you all so much for everything you've done. If you helped admin this blog, voted for me, or even voted for someone else and gave a good reason, I give my most heartfelt and sincerest thanks. This campaign wouldn't have been possible without you guys, from those of you who showed up early on the first day of campaigning to help put up posters, to the last person to walk out of the voting booth.
I don't want to get cheesy or sentimental or anything else like that, so I'll end it here: Thanks.

Today's Helpful Hint from Will: Head on over to Movie Night tonight at 6. It's a buck to get in, they're showing The Incredibles, and I wouldn't doubt all three of your presidential candidates being there.


The Campaign - The Home Stretch

I just realized I've not been keeping up too well with this website. So, I apologize to you for doing other things.
Where to begin? Well, we could start with the speech today. I would post a transcript, but I decided to venture off script in order to talk more directly to you. I think it went pretty gersh-danged well, and apparently, so do some of you. Feel free to leave your thoughts about the speech below.
Voting is tomorrow, so get cracking, campers! You've heard the positions of all sides of all positions, and it's time for you to reach a decision. If you've made up your mind, post down below. If you haven't, leave a comment so we can get back to you on it.
There's really not too much more to say that I haven't said already, so I'll keep it short: Vote for me, and for the other positions, may the best candidate win.

Today's Helpful Hint from Will: Mint ice cream is delicious. Seriously, people. I wouldn't lie to you about this.
Bonus Helpful Hint from Will: If you like Batman, Legos, and/or old TV shows, you'll love Batman: New Times, a computer animated Batman movie starring Adam West (from Batman), Mark Hamill (from Star Wars), Courtney Thorne-Smith (from Ally McBeal and Melrose Place), and Dick Van Dyke (from Mary Poppins).
Bonus Bonus Helpful Hint: Vote for Will!


The Campaign - Day Eight

Today was really rather uneventful. I have about 50 more necklaces, so if you haven't got one already, get one. And remember to wear yours to the speeches on Wednesday, and the voting on either Thursday or Friday (I haven't gotten any official word either way).
So let's cut to the chase. Leave comments, and remember to answer the following question for an Aspects poll (feel free to leave a quote to be put in the newspaper, with a name and grade): Do you think iPods are promoting illegal music downloads?
Oh, and plug to Coming Evil and Whitney 09er, both of whom are actively seeking modship here. If you have a Blogger account and an email address, feel free to join as well.
EDIT: Coming Evil has now become administrator. Watch out!
Today's Helpful Hint from Will: He doesn't like you.


The Campaign - Days Five, Six, and Seven

The comments are not currently down, but they're acting up. There, I said it. Blogger's always been a bit temperamental, and this week is no different. So, if you'd like me to answer a question or provide feedback for a statement, email me here. Or try posting a comment. You never know.
Apparently, some of the people posting comments were creating a bit of a controversy in the other candidates' camps. Again, I stress that no one attack specific candidates. Those types of tactics are underhanded, cruel, and beyond unnecessary. Thank you.
Not too much happened in the campaign today. At lunch, I wandered about, letting people ask me questions about my campaign and platforms, but that's about it.
Necklaces on Monday. You know, they never tell you about how the downside of running a good campaign is having to please all of your new supporters. (Sarcasm, by the way. I'm very glad that I'm getting so many requests for necklaces. I feel like a rock star. A real rock star, not Nick Lachey or whoever. Maybe John Lennon. Before he was shot, of course. I'm way off topic.)
I was genuinely surprised by how many of the other candidates and their supporters have dropped by this site. If you had a website, I'd definitely visit it. And email me if you do have a website.
That about wraps it up for the weekend. Stabile out! (Ryan Seacrest completely stole that from me. Again, sarcasm.)
Today's Helpful Hint from Will: If you ever win an Academy Award, don't thank your publicist. And if you do, make sure not to also refer to them as your "best friend".
Bonus Helpful Hint from Will: Rent the movie Jaws. It's scary and fun.
Bonus Bonus Helpful Hint from Will: Do not ever make an annoying web video.


The Campaign - Day Four

A major shout-out (wow, I've never used that term before) to CJ Wang, and his blog, "Electroencephelograph". Specifically, this post. I'd ask you to leave a comment, but it seems Mr. Wang has disabled non-Blogger-user comments. All the more reason to get a blog!
Today was a slow campaign day. With no necklaces to pass out, it seems lonely. And yes, more necklaces. But on Monday.
Though there are occasional technical difficulties floating about the Blogger service, please leave a comment. It doesn't have to say anything, just make sure to drop in, say hi, and maybe ask a campaign question or leave a witty comment. And make sure to browse through the comments on previous posts. People are still responding to things said almost a week ago (and more, when more time has passed), so feel free to state your opinion. The only wrong answers are ones that specifically attack specific other candidates.
Remember to stop by every day to find something new!
Today's Helpful Hint from Will: Here's another thing I don't usually say. Remember to tune in to The OC tonight for a special presentation of the Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith theatrical trailer. No, this isn't the one from a couple of months ago. It's new. If you somehow miss it, it'll be up on the official site in the next couple of weeks to non-members of the Fan Club.


The Campaign - Day Three

Well, I've been campaigning for three days, and I'm a little concerned about Whitneyites and their love of campaign necklaces. I understand supporting a candidate, but collecting all the necklaces of all the candidates, regardless of your position? Kinda ... unusual. And let's not leave out the people who aren't even registered, but stock up on necklaces for the fun of it. I guess what I'm trying to say is that my batch of 40 necklaces was snapped up before the day was half over. You crazy kids. And, yes, more are coming next week. Don't get your hocks in a jumble.
How about that ASB assembly? Boy, you can smell the gimmicks from a mile away. We've got rampant copyright infringement of brands and movie titles (huh?), karaoke to Disney songs (huh?), and people pretending to be secret agents pretending to be Chinese dragons pretending to be from The Lion King (HUH?). My head still hurts. I really wish they'd stop scheduling these things on my beloved long Wednesday lunches. Hopefully our class meetings and speeches won't be too similar, seeing as how my entire section of the bleachers was oblivious to the proceedings, chatting away about whatever crossed their pointy little heads.
And voting has been moved from next Thursday to next Friday, with no word on whether the date of the class meetings will remain Wednesday. Just for your information.
Today's Helpful Hint from Will: Don't talk during a movie. And for the love of all that is good, DON'T TALK DURING A LIVE PRODUCTION. It's insulting to the actors, the audience, and whomever it is you're prattling at.


The Campaign - Day Two

Let us start at the beginng. A very good place to start.
I walked in the door around 7:53 AM. By 7:55 AM, all of the new campaign necklaces were gone. And for those of you wanting to get in on some necklace action, a new batch of 40-or-so will be out tomorrow.
Attention, everyone who forgot to register to vote: time's up! Honestly, I don't understand why people don't register. It takes 45 seconds, there's no obligation to actually vote, and you get free candy. Oh, well. Some will never learn.
And the first Inner Council meeting since campaigning began. Hoo boy. About half the IC is running against each other for the various positions (including myself, Ariel Improta, and Rebecca Wang). Man, you could cut the tension in there with a knife. Not that you should bring knives to school. Because you shouldn't. Anyway, a civilized meeting was attempted, and, unlike normally, succeeded, seeing as how everyone was so nervous about their competition, we were actually able to get something done. Our 8th Grade Social, entitled "Flash Dance", is off to a rocky start, but will presumably get better once the campaigning is over next week, and the winners are announced the week after.
Addendum: Do not order beans on a bacon cheeseburger. Gassy and unpleasant. Today's Helpful Hint from Will.


The Campaign - Day One

Well, it's the first day of the campaign. I'd like to thank everyone who stopped by to talk with me about my platforms, or just snicker at my posters and ask for some necklaces (they're coming, so don't get your knickers in a twist). For those of you who had volunteered to help put up posters this morning at 6 in the AM, I can't thank you (and apologize) enough. The school changed the time to put posters up from 6 AM Monday to 7 PM Sunday. So those of you who had volunteered (or wanted to volunteer) you got a consolation prize.
And remember, voting is on the 17th, so register tomorrow if you haven't already. You get free Red Vines!
Addendum: For those of you who get the Red Vines, remember to bite off both ends and stick it in a beverage for a handy and delicious straw. Today's Helpful Hint from Will.

Stabile For President - Launch!

This is the official startup of, the one place where you can support Will Stabile's campaign for the presidency of Whitney High School's Class of 2009. Feel free to post a comment, support the campaign (no money, please), and otherwise mook around with the best candidate out there, Will Stabile! And show your support by leaving a comment, just to let us know you're here. Remember to check back regularly for breaking news about all of Will's campaign activities. And remember:
Only One Candidate Has The Will To Succeed
- Will Stabile: "I Will"