Stabile For President


The Campaign - The Home Stretch

I just realized I've not been keeping up too well with this website. So, I apologize to you for doing other things.
Where to begin? Well, we could start with the speech today. I would post a transcript, but I decided to venture off script in order to talk more directly to you. I think it went pretty gersh-danged well, and apparently, so do some of you. Feel free to leave your thoughts about the speech below.
Voting is tomorrow, so get cracking, campers! You've heard the positions of all sides of all positions, and it's time for you to reach a decision. If you've made up your mind, post down below. If you haven't, leave a comment so we can get back to you on it.
There's really not too much more to say that I haven't said already, so I'll keep it short: Vote for me, and for the other positions, may the best candidate win.

Today's Helpful Hint from Will: Mint ice cream is delicious. Seriously, people. I wouldn't lie to you about this.
Bonus Helpful Hint from Will: If you like Batman, Legos, and/or old TV shows, you'll love Batman: New Times, a computer animated Batman movie starring Adam West (from Batman), Mark Hamill (from Star Wars), Courtney Thorne-Smith (from Ally McBeal and Melrose Place), and Dick Van Dyke (from Mary Poppins).
Bonus Bonus Helpful Hint: Vote for Will!


  • c0m1ng3vil said:
    EDIT by c0m1ng3vil: You're right Will, but Chocolate Mint ice cream is even more delicious.

    Mint is nothing without chocolate. It's like penguins without that slidey-thing they do, or computers without keyboards.

    By Blogger Will Stabile, at 8:48:00 PM  

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