Stabile For President


The Campaign - Day Four

A major shout-out (wow, I've never used that term before) to CJ Wang, and his blog, "Electroencephelograph". Specifically, this post. I'd ask you to leave a comment, but it seems Mr. Wang has disabled non-Blogger-user comments. All the more reason to get a blog!
Today was a slow campaign day. With no necklaces to pass out, it seems lonely. And yes, more necklaces. But on Monday.
Though there are occasional technical difficulties floating about the Blogger service, please leave a comment. It doesn't have to say anything, just make sure to drop in, say hi, and maybe ask a campaign question or leave a witty comment. And make sure to browse through the comments on previous posts. People are still responding to things said almost a week ago (and more, when more time has passed), so feel free to state your opinion. The only wrong answers are ones that specifically attack specific other candidates.
Remember to stop by every day to find something new!
Today's Helpful Hint from Will: Here's another thing I don't usually say. Remember to tune in to The OC tonight for a special presentation of the Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith theatrical trailer. No, this isn't the one from a couple of months ago. It's new. If you somehow miss it, it'll be up on the official site in the next couple of weeks to non-members of the Fan Club.


  • if your ic is run over by cliques, than what are you? you seem like the kind of person who "isn't in a clique" so aren't you creating a variety in your ic?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:55:00 PM  

  • if your ic is run over by cliques, than what are you? you seem like the kind of person who "isn't in a clique" so aren't you creating a variety in your ic?
    I suppose. But seeing as how I am only one member of that organization, and that Andrew Lee and I were the only applicants for the two "Newsletter Editor" Positions, my appearance is both necessary and futile. Hope that helps.

    By Blogger Will Stabile, at 7:49:00 PM  

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