Stabile For President


The Campaign - Day Two

Let us start at the beginng. A very good place to start.
I walked in the door around 7:53 AM. By 7:55 AM, all of the new campaign necklaces were gone. And for those of you wanting to get in on some necklace action, a new batch of 40-or-so will be out tomorrow.
Attention, everyone who forgot to register to vote: time's up! Honestly, I don't understand why people don't register. It takes 45 seconds, there's no obligation to actually vote, and you get free candy. Oh, well. Some will never learn.
And the first Inner Council meeting since campaigning began. Hoo boy. About half the IC is running against each other for the various positions (including myself, Ariel Improta, and Rebecca Wang). Man, you could cut the tension in there with a knife. Not that you should bring knives to school. Because you shouldn't. Anyway, a civilized meeting was attempted, and, unlike normally, succeeded, seeing as how everyone was so nervous about their competition, we were actually able to get something done. Our 8th Grade Social, entitled "Flash Dance", is off to a rocky start, but will presumably get better once the campaigning is over next week, and the winners are announced the week after.
Addendum: Do not order beans on a bacon cheeseburger. Gassy and unpleasant. Today's Helpful Hint from Will.


  • i don't like your attitude towards your ic. our ic is much more supportive of each other.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:54:00 PM  

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    By Blogger Will Stabile, at 9:40:00 PM  

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    By Blogger Will Stabile, at 9:42:00 PM  

  • i don't like your attitude towards your ic. our ic is much more supportive of each other.I'm glad you have such a supportive IC. As for the Class of '09, its IC has fallen to various cliques and factions, and out of the hands of the common students. It's difficult for me to support an institution made of ideas and (some) members I do not support.

    By Blogger Will Stabile, at 9:44:00 PM  

  • "...cut the tension in there with a knife. Not that you should bring knives to school. Because you shouldn't..."Well I have taken notice that Mr. Brent keeps a pretty big knife is the corner, not that it really matters.

    Anyways, Will is absolutely right about our IC, it really is (not) something. Anyways if you win your campaign for CP you will take some measures to reform the IC, won't you?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:52:00 PM  

  • Hey Will! Thanks for remembering the little people! I really hope you win this election. Good luck!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:54:00 PM  

  • DEATH TO ALL!!!!!!!! I mean, what?
    Yes, vote for Will!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:53:00 AM  

  • if you win your campaign for CP you will take some measures to reform the IC, won't you? Yes. As a matter of fact, that's a major cornerstone of my platform. (Mixed metaphor? Naah) The IC needs some fresh faces brought in, to balance things out for the whole class, not just the cliques who have overrun the student government.

    By Blogger Will Stabile, at 2:13:00 PM  

  • By the way, Tuesday's "Helpful Hint" was briefly discussed in Mr. Brent's 5th Period class, during which Mr. Brent said something to the effect of, "Why are the foods that taste good always bad for you?" This query was followed by Craig Machado's remark, "Bad for you, and worse for everyone around you."

    By Blogger Will Stabile, at 2:21:00 PM  

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