Stabile For President


The Campaign - Day One

Well, it's the first day of the campaign. I'd like to thank everyone who stopped by to talk with me about my platforms, or just snicker at my posters and ask for some necklaces (they're coming, so don't get your knickers in a twist). For those of you who had volunteered to help put up posters this morning at 6 in the AM, I can't thank you (and apologize) enough. The school changed the time to put posters up from 6 AM Monday to 7 PM Sunday. So those of you who had volunteered (or wanted to volunteer) you got a consolation prize.
And remember, voting is on the 17th, so register tomorrow if you haven't already. You get free Red Vines!
Addendum: For those of you who get the Red Vines, remember to bite off both ends and stick it in a beverage for a handy and delicious straw. Today's Helpful Hint from Will.


  • It must have taken lots of time and money to make those necklaces and posters. I really admire your devotion, Definitely votin' for ya. :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:48:00 PM  

  • Will, if you get elected, would this be considered as your first step toward world domination?

    By the way, do what Will said with the Red Vines. Best with a beverage high in caffine ( Coke, Dr. Pepper, etc.)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:58:00 PM  

  • Will, if you get elected, would this be considered as your first step toward world domination?I wouldn't consider this one a step towards world domination. I am genuinely appalled at the disrepair the student government has fallen into, and I wish to repair that for the sake of my fellow 09-er. Any power attached is just that: attached.

    By Blogger Will Stabile, at 8:37:00 PM  

  • I feel everyone is slightly insane. But that's only what I feel. Of course I will vote for you, after buying that delicious scone for fifty cents. (That logic is off, but it adds up somehow.)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:42:00 PM  

  • will.. i wont even comment.. :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:17:00 PM  

  • Hallo will, in between my RPing and other fruitless web activities I mangaed to find a piece of time to visit your site.
    If you become elected, can we get a class website? Somewhat random but ah...
    By the way, "anonymous" coughcough You are the insanest of them all. well at least you'r ethe randomest.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:40:00 PM  

  • will stabile, i've seen your posters in the hallway with this website.i don't have a blogspot account nor do i plan to get one, but i'm somewhat shocked at your comment about your being a "appalled at the disrepair the student government has fallen into." Sure, i'm not in asb but i have run before, but that's cold. and i'm pretty sure that you can't just fix up our school by being elected president. also, maybe when you guys get older, you'll understand that spending money on a campaign does not represent devotion and should not be the only reason that one should vote for you. i'm not saying that you're agreeing with this person who said that money spent=devotion, it's just not right. well, if i were in your class, it would seem like fun to run against you. good luck

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:51:00 PM  

  • i'm somewhat shocked at your comment about your being a "appalled at the disrepair the student government has fallen into." Sure, i'm not in asb but i have run before, but that's cold. and i'm pretty sure that you can't just fix up our school by being elected president.You're right, it is cold. And you're also right about my inability to fix it simply by being elected class president. But, in all honesty, I believe that this election will be an important stepping stone in taking the student government back into the hands of all the students. The ASB has done a better job of this, and hopefully the classes will be able to follow that model.
    And you're right, money spent does not equal devotion. Good thing I run a cheap campaign.

    By Blogger Will Stabile, at 9:38:00 PM  

  • good luck man

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:49:00 AM  

  • If you become elected, can we get a class website?Good idea.

    By Blogger Will Stabile, at 8:30:00 AM  

  • So, Will, tell me: Why do you think you're qualified to be class president?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:38:00 AM  

  • So, Will, tell me: Why do you think you're qualified to be class president?
    Besides ambition, good ideas, and wanting the class to do better? Not only am I a journalist (whose job it is to tell the truth), an award-winning public speaker (having won gavels for JSA and Best Delegate Certificates from JMUN), and a natural leader (no explanation necessary), I have been on the Inner Council for the past year, and have not only gained leadership experience, but have seen the rampant problems involved in the system. In fact, it was my firsthand experience of problematic IC meetings that spurred me on to run in the first place, in order to clean up the system. Thanks for asking.

    By Blogger Will Stabile, at 2:03:00 PM  

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    By Blogger Will Stabile, at 2:03:00 PM  

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