Stabile For President


The Campaign - Day Three

Well, I've been campaigning for three days, and I'm a little concerned about Whitneyites and their love of campaign necklaces. I understand supporting a candidate, but collecting all the necklaces of all the candidates, regardless of your position? Kinda ... unusual. And let's not leave out the people who aren't even registered, but stock up on necklaces for the fun of it. I guess what I'm trying to say is that my batch of 40 necklaces was snapped up before the day was half over. You crazy kids. And, yes, more are coming next week. Don't get your hocks in a jumble.
How about that ASB assembly? Boy, you can smell the gimmicks from a mile away. We've got rampant copyright infringement of brands and movie titles (huh?), karaoke to Disney songs (huh?), and people pretending to be secret agents pretending to be Chinese dragons pretending to be from The Lion King (HUH?). My head still hurts. I really wish they'd stop scheduling these things on my beloved long Wednesday lunches. Hopefully our class meetings and speeches won't be too similar, seeing as how my entire section of the bleachers was oblivious to the proceedings, chatting away about whatever crossed their pointy little heads.
And voting has been moved from next Thursday to next Friday, with no word on whether the date of the class meetings will remain Wednesday. Just for your information.
Today's Helpful Hint from Will: Don't talk during a movie. And for the love of all that is good, DON'T TALK DURING A LIVE PRODUCTION. It's insulting to the actors, the audience, and whomever it is you're prattling at.


  • "...Don't talk during a movie. And for the love of all that is good, DON'T TALK DURING A LIVE PRODUCTION. It's insulting to the actors, the audience, and whomever it is you're prattling at..." Definitely not during the premiere of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, right Will.

    The ASB assembly was quit horrible.(long, boring, boring, long, long, boring...) By the way, whom might y'all vote for for the ASB positions? (This question is as much to Will as to any other lost souls who stumbled upon this comment.)

    "...I really wish they'd stop scheduling these things on my beloved long Wednesday lunches..." Also, lets rejoice in the fact that our seventh grade year was the first year that the school actually started having one hour Wednesday lunchs. (It seems that many has taken this fact for granted.)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:24:00 PM  

  • Definitely not during the premiere of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, right Will.I have a lightsaber, and I'm not afraid to use it.

    our seventh grade year was the first year that the school actually started having one hour Wednesday lunchesVery true. And you're right, people do take it for granted.

    whom might y'all vote for for the ASB positions? I was very impressed with Danny Fierro's gimickless presentation, in which he laid down an actual plan and did not sing karaoke. For the others, I'll have to sleep on it.

    By Blogger Will Stabile, at 2:07:00 PM  

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