Stabile For President


The Campaign - Days Five, Six, and Seven

The comments are not currently down, but they're acting up. There, I said it. Blogger's always been a bit temperamental, and this week is no different. So, if you'd like me to answer a question or provide feedback for a statement, email me here. Or try posting a comment. You never know.
Apparently, some of the people posting comments were creating a bit of a controversy in the other candidates' camps. Again, I stress that no one attack specific candidates. Those types of tactics are underhanded, cruel, and beyond unnecessary. Thank you.
Not too much happened in the campaign today. At lunch, I wandered about, letting people ask me questions about my campaign and platforms, but that's about it.
Necklaces on Monday. You know, they never tell you about how the downside of running a good campaign is having to please all of your new supporters. (Sarcasm, by the way. I'm very glad that I'm getting so many requests for necklaces. I feel like a rock star. A real rock star, not Nick Lachey or whoever. Maybe John Lennon. Before he was shot, of course. I'm way off topic.)
I was genuinely surprised by how many of the other candidates and their supporters have dropped by this site. If you had a website, I'd definitely visit it. And email me if you do have a website.
That about wraps it up for the weekend. Stabile out! (Ryan Seacrest completely stole that from me. Again, sarcasm.)
Today's Helpful Hint from Will: If you ever win an Academy Award, don't thank your publicist. And if you do, make sure not to also refer to them as your "best friend".
Bonus Helpful Hint from Will: Rent the movie Jaws. It's scary and fun.
Bonus Bonus Helpful Hint from Will: Do not ever make an annoying web video.


  • Comment service up and running; me, up and typing.

    I must say, that video was where do you find these absurdities?

    Anyways, I was doing my Verrett research essay. I was typing and typing and typing and typing and typing and typing and... it ended up being 1,743 words. It would have seemed been alot, execpt it was only HALF the number of pages of my original outline.

    Anyways, hows the campaign going Will? How many people have you had to plunder and manipulate to contribute to your campaign? (just kidding) :p

    You know the thing is, I've just realized that the CP (and VP and ST) that we elect this year will have a big impact on us next year, since it is our first high school year. this means that we will be selecting new mascots, class T-shirts, etc. So choose well people. (That means vote for Will)

    PS. Sherman... (whitney '09er)
    --- The following message is in l337-h4x0r language, do not be concerned if you are unable to read it ---
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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:21:00 PM  

  • I must say, that video was where do you find these absurdities?
    Oh, this thing has been all over the net these past few weeks. They even interviewed the kid in the video and the band who originally recorded the song on the Today show.

    By Blogger Will Stabile, at 5:53:00 PM  

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