Stabile For President


The Campaign - Day Eight

Today was really rather uneventful. I have about 50 more necklaces, so if you haven't got one already, get one. And remember to wear yours to the speeches on Wednesday, and the voting on either Thursday or Friday (I haven't gotten any official word either way).
So let's cut to the chase. Leave comments, and remember to answer the following question for an Aspects poll (feel free to leave a quote to be put in the newspaper, with a name and grade): Do you think iPods are promoting illegal music downloads?
Oh, and plug to Coming Evil and Whitney 09er, both of whom are actively seeking modship here. If you have a Blogger account and an email address, feel free to join as well.
EDIT: Coming Evil has now become administrator. Watch out!
Today's Helpful Hint from Will: He doesn't like you.


  • What in the world is that?
    The evil monkey from Family Guy?

    Will, can I join your blog? I can help you admin.
    You have a Blogger account and an email address? If you do, I can sign ya up.

    By Blogger Will Stabile, at 7:37:00 PM  

  • how do you personalize your Blogger website. Or can you?
    Just know some basic HTML coding and go in to manually edit the template. There are plenty of resources all over the web.

    By Blogger Will Stabile, at 7:52:00 AM  

  • Hey Will! :)
    iPods are not promoting illegal music downloads. That's why they charge you 99 cents for every song you get. But there's always those people that don't pay those 99 cents and find other ways to get songs to put on their ipod.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:55:00 PM  

  • Well, I'd love you to join the blog, Shoyman, but as it stands now, the campaign is kind of over. Tuesday is more than likely the last day I'll be posting anything. Thanks for your kind intentions, though.

    By Blogger Will Stabile, at 10:34:00 AM  

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