Stabile For President


The Campaign - Voting Day

It's all over now, ladies and gentlemen. It's Friday, class is over, and voting time is up. Though we won't know the results officially until Tuesday, it seems that, through exit polls, yours truly has eked out a narrow lead over Ariel and Rebecca. This is in no way a victory speech, and, if either Ariel or Rebecca is reading this, I am in no way claiming superiority.
In any case, I thank you all so much for everything you've done. If you helped admin this blog, voted for me, or even voted for someone else and gave a good reason, I give my most heartfelt and sincerest thanks. This campaign wouldn't have been possible without you guys, from those of you who showed up early on the first day of campaigning to help put up posters, to the last person to walk out of the voting booth.
I don't want to get cheesy or sentimental or anything else like that, so I'll end it here: Thanks.

Today's Helpful Hint from Will: Head on over to Movie Night tonight at 6. It's a buck to get in, they're showing The Incredibles, and I wouldn't doubt all three of your presidential candidates being there.


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